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Isle of Wight
United Kingdom

Seagrove Bay

Isle of Wight

Original paintings and artwork of the marine environment and British coast by Andrew Hird, a professional artist working both plein air and from his studio on the Isle of Wight.

Seagrove Bay

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Mail chimp - 2.jpg

Seagrove Bay


An original oil painting 15 x 30 cms (framed size 30 x 45 cms)

Painted on linen faced board with professional quality oil paints and ready to hang in a soft white frame. The surface will be protected with a low sheen retouching varnish.

This artwork will be supplied with a signed certificate of authenticity and will be shipped in a sturdy cardboard box with full tracking and insurance. The price includes shipping to UK mainland addresses.

Installment payments available on this piece, email me for details

If you’re not entirely satisfied with your purchase you can contact me to arrange return of the painting in original condition for a full refund within 14 days. See terms and conditions for full details

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